08/02/2016 - Demo Done!

Don't trust photos, they don't show quite how grim it is out there. As an aside, "grim" on autocorrect comes up as "fun". The phone is right - it was fun! Calver demo day is in full swing. Couple of spots available this afternoon if you're free. #gritandsteel #coticrocket275 #peakdistrict

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Cheers to everyone who come out on Saturday and braved the Grim North (tm) for some Rocket demo rides. Weather was pretty wet, but one of those "not too bad once you're out" kind of days. Was fun sploshing down our test track and local descents, and there was lots of love for the bikes. Best quote of the day was from one customer who said "if I can feel confident riding down THAT trail in THIS weather then it's got to be a good bike". Well quite!

More demos to come, we will be announcing them soon.

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Or if you're riding in the rain, order your Cotic mudguard…