14/09/2016 - Pop Up Showroom in Bristol on Thursday

A photo posted by Cotic (@coticbikes) on

This Thursday 15th September we have our second Pop Up Showroom event as Sam takes things on the road. It's at - rather appropriately for us - Roll For The Soul and Sam will be there with the demo bikes all scrubbed up and lovely for you to have a look at and chat to him about them.

A photo posted by Cotic (@coticbikes) on

The evening begins at 6pm and lasts until 9pm. We will have some beer for you to drink and the cafe will be open for food and other drinks. There will be Rockets, RocketMAX, Flare, FlareMAX, Soul and Solaris there to have a look at and Sam on hand to tell you about them.

Roll For The Soul is at Unit 2, St Lawrence House, Quay Street, Bristol, BS1 2JL.

Google Maps link here: https://goo.gl/maps/iP5atafPPP32

See you tomorrow?