More demo news, as we try to reassemble our plans for the summer...
As we said earlier in the week, Sam's done himself a mischief, so many of the Open Demos in the near future have had to be postponed. Also, unless you hear otherwise via email, Exclusive Rides over the next few weeks will also have to rearranged for later in the year. This month was going to be busy anyway, and with Sam spannering himself we don't have the people to cover all the demos we had planned.
However, after all the effort we went to get it sorted, we are definitely still doing Surrey Hills this Sunday. Cy will be down at Holmbury St Mary Village Hall on Sunday 10 until 5 to make it happen. He'll have a van full of Rockets, Souls and Solaris bikes to try.
Now, in addition, Paul will be stepping in to make the Dalby Forest Open Demo a reality on 3rd July.
Once Sam is back to work (but not back on the road) will make more plans, and let you know what the score is for other demos that were planned for the end of the summer.