9 of us headed out in what can only be described as a rain cloud (see photos!) on Sunday. We planned to do a Blackamoor ride, sadly the weather didn't play nicely and the weeks leading up to this ride washed away the trails and left a river in place of where they once were! We ended up sticking to Lady Cannings and Houndkirk Road, on the edge of Sheffield/Derbyshire, not the ride we had planned, but we made the most of it and still had fun.
We had 3 new faces on the ride which was so nice. We chatted away and planned our future Ride Outs so we could meet up to ride again. I couldn't believe so many turned out in awful conditions, only to be smiling and enjoying being out on a ride with other awesome women. There was a lot of frozen hands and shivering by the time we got back to the car!
The next Women of Steel ride is at Leeds Urban Bike Park, join our Facebook group for details or if you're not on Facebook and would like to join us drop me an email: , hannah@cotic.co.uk