01/07/2024 - Some Great Cotic Events in 2024

Event Round Up 2024 so far

It's been a busy few weeks with events for us recently, and we wanted to share a bit about them. Mainly because they were great fun, and we'd love for you to come to future ones.

Abby Africa Evening


A couple of weeks ago, we had Abby over to talk us through her African adventure aboard her trusty Cascade. We decided to make a day of it, so we had a group ride on our local in the afternoon, fabulous pizza from Pream Pizza in the sunshine, followed by Abby's incredible slideshow. It was such a fun thing to do, and great to be able to use our Showroom space to do a special thing. We even had Lorraine come from Dublin for the event, and folded it into a Factory Collection of her beautiful new RocketMAX. She joined us for the ride for the maiden voyage.

Our semi-regular HQ CC rides start and finish here, so whilst we can't promise top notch pizza every time, we can promise mint trails, sociable pace, demo rides and great coffee.

AbbyChrisSquadLorraine and her Cotic RocketMAX
Abby Africa Evening


In the middle of June we headed to Peebles for Tweedlove Festival. Despite the distinctly 'British' weather of heavy rain a lot of the weekend, the stoke was high and the love for Cotic was clearly in evidence. It's so nice to go to these big events and get such warm feeling from people. Thank you if you were one of them.

The demo was hectic, and we had plenty of people out. The biblical conditions clearly didn't stop the bikes from shining either, as we've picked up a fair few orders this week from people loving the Cotic ride. The Solaris in particularly barely stood still all weekend. Our Mat proved it's incredible handling and versatility by racing the arena cyclocross on it on Saturday night, then taking it up the Golfie on Sunday and getting a hot lap of Wardell Way in. On a SID equipped hardtail running XC wheels! That's some breadth of ability.

Sam at Tweedlove

Women Of Steel Coaching Evening

Back in May, Brand Ambassador Gareth from A Line Coaching ran a women's only coaching evening up at Greno for our Women Of Steel riding group.

It was a really fun evening and lots was learned all round. The Women Of Steel group is not just for Cotic owners, it's for any women riders to get involved and ride together.

women of steel coaching eveningwomen of steel coaching evening


The events continue on this weekend, with our Forest Of Dean Demo Tour rolling into Gloucestershire on Saturday 6th and Sunday 7th July. Email demo@cotic.co.uk to book your free demo.

After that we are Ard Rock Enduro on the last weekend of July, where you can also book a demo with us. It's like Glastonbury for mountain biking. You really should come along! We'll have a Cotic CC owners ride as well.

Later in August we're back in the Tweed Valley for our own Demo Tour event at the Glentress Hotel. This was super popular last year, and it's a great location. Again, email to book, or hit the DEMO tab for all our contact details.

Demo Tour…