08/01/2021 - Cotic Global CC

Cotic Global CC

The chances are, if you're reading this, then you probably own or have owned a Cotic. Whether it was a brand-spanker or pre-loved, you are already in the Global Cotic Cycling Club (CC). Pretty simple initiation process huh? We've been running events, rides & parties for a few years now but obviously 2020 put a kibosh on most of that for now. In the meantime we want to expand the reach and hopefully spark some other owner-run events in regions far from our HQ. Here's where you come in...

We want your stories. Personal, happy, sad, informative, inspirational, reflective or random. On-topic, off-topic, long or short. Motivational or morose. A love letter or a diss track.

Where were you when you first got “that” feeling? Where’s the one place on the planet you call home? What have you been through to get exactly where you are today? What’s been your biggest loss or your biggest gain?

We want to hear about the ride that changed your life (for better or worse). We want to hear how you got into riding - or even the just outdoors. How you would encourage people into outside spaces - and how to reach those people? Who’s influenced you? Does your job affect how you approach your sport or is your sport your job? What was your first bike? Or maybe it isn’t about riding at all…? What one thing would you like to share with this planet if you had the chance?

Pictures are a huge part of this project so add some colour to your reply with a handful of memories. Attach a current portrait (if you’re comfortable with that) and any other photos that give some extra depth to the words. Take your time digging.

Your location is super important - this shouldn’t be your house of course, but your local spot or city. The place you’re at now. For example if you're from Ireland but now live in Germany, tag the spot in Germany. Somewhere we can drop a pin on our map.

Lastly, if you’d like to carry on the work, build a scene or invite others to your world, leave your social media tag or email and we’ll include it so people can make those connections.

Thank you for being a part of this. We can’t wait to hear your tales. Please email us at global@cotic.co.uk and we promise to read all your submissions.

Visit our map here…